Medium Plot Claim - 6 Month Lease image

Medium Plot Claim - 6 Month Lease

Place your own exclusive L:120 x H:100 x W:120 building plot in Pinecraft Equestrian's Pineland With this Plot Claim item you can choose your ideal location, draft up your claim to see its position and boundaries and then stake that claim to create your plot and get building on your dream property!

Plot Claim items can be kept in your inventory until you are ready to use it*, or can even be traded/sold or gifted to other players
*Stated lease period commences from date the item is actioned, except when extending an existing lease in which case it is added on

[Usage: Hold plot claim item in your hand and use the 'action' button (usually right-click) to place a new plot, claim an available one or extend the lease on an existing plot you already own]

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