Stealth Archer Netherite PvP Set image

Stealth Archer Netherite PvP Set


Introducing the "Stealth Archer Pack" - for those who prefer to rain down chaos without ever being seen, like a shadowy Robin Hood with a taste for high fashion.

Slip into a full suit of Netherite armor, each piece whispering elegance with the Silence Armor Trim in gleaming Gold Material. This isn't just any stealth gear; it's designer.

With Unbreaking III, Swift Sneak III, and Projectile Protection IV on every piece, you'll move like the wind while laughing off arrows like they're compliments.

It's like wearing a tuxedo to a ninja fight. The piece de resistance is the Enchanted bow known as "Silent Killer." Equipped with Unbreaking III, Fire Aspect II, Knockback II, and Infinity, this bow ensures your enemies never see you coming - or going. It fires 64 Arrows of Harming (Instant Damage II) for when you really need to send a message, and a single Spectral Arrow to light up your target like a neon sign saying, "Hit me!" To top it all off, the pack includes 4 Enchanted Golden Apples and 1 Totem of Undying. Just in case, you know, someone actually manages to spot you. Good luck with that. In the Stealth Archer Pack, you're the ghostly whisper of doom on the battlefield, and everyone else? Just background noise.

1 x Netherite Helmet - Unbreaking III - Swift Sneak III - Projectile Protection IV
1 x Netherite Chestplate - Unbreaking III - Swift Sneak III - Projectile Protection IV
1 x Netherite Leggings - Unbreaking III - Swift Sneak III - Projectile Protection IV
1 x Netherite Boots - Unbreaking III - Swift Sneak III - Projectile Protection IV
1 x Enchanted Bow "Silent Killer" - Unbreaking III - Fire Aspect II - Knockback II - Infinity
64 x "Arrow of Harming" - Instant Damage II
1 x Spectral Arrow
4 x Enchanted Golden Apples
1 x Totem of Undying

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